Determinants of prenatal alcohol exposure among Aboriginal women in the Pilbara: Developing a statistically validated model of prenatal alcohol consumption for evidence based intervention development (PhD project)
David Tucker (PhD Student)
Dr Nyanda McBride (Supervisor)
Dr Martyn Symons (Associate Supervisor), Telethon Kids Institute, UWA
Associate Professor Roz Walker (Associate Supervisor), Telethon Kids Institute, UWA
This research aims to understand what drives decisions to consume alcohol during pregnancy among Aboriginal women. It is proposed that a statistically validated model of behaviour is developed to address the primary question: What are the key social determinants and precursors to alcohol use during pregnancy in Aboriginal communities in the Pilbara?
The research objectives include:
- What are the key differences and similarities in the social determinates of drinking during pregnancy between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal groups;
- What are the protective factors in Aboriginal women who do not drink during pregnancy?; and,
- How can behavioural determinants contribute to and influence effective intervention design and evaluation?
This research is being conducted as a component of a larger National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) funded project run by the Telethon Kids Institute’s Alcohol and Pregnancy and FASD research group.