Coronavirus (COVID-19) information and resources for the AOD sector
May 2020
NCETA, NDARC and NDRI have compiled a list of some online information and resources that we've come across and that may be of help to people working in the alcohol and other drug sector at this challenging time.
Wellbeing resources
- NCETA’s Stress and Burnout resource is a prevention handbook for the general alcohol and other drug workforce.
- NCETA’s Feeling Deadly, Working Deadly is a resource kit aimed at enhancing wellbeing amongst Indigenous alcohol and other drug workers.
- The Black Dog Institute has developed a range of resources for dealing with stress and anxiety during the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Beyond Blue’s online coronavirus mental wellbeing support service offers information, advice and strategies to manage wellbeing and mental health.
- The Australian Government’s Head to Health website has COVID-19 mental health information and resources.
- NADA has links to a range of worker wellbeing resources for the non-government sector including an e-learning course Coping with Stress and Uncertainty During COVID-19
- WANADA’s resource AOD Sector Guide to Worker Wellbeing Resources is available for download and there are links to COVID-19 related resources and tools on WANADA’s website.
- VAADA’s webinars Conversations of Change and Navigating Uncertainty are on YouTube and share examples of how people are coping at this time.
- Orygen has produced self-care resources for young people and their friends and family.
- Reach Out has information for young people on how to deal with the stress and uncertainty around coronavirus.
- The South Australian Network of Drug and Alcohol Services (SANDAS) has developed some tips for working from home.
- Life in Mind has worked with the suicide prevention and mental health sectors to provide a comprehensive list of resources to support those affected.
- The Australian Psychological Society has a range of information sheets for coping with coronavirus anxiety and social isolation.
- Headspace has information and support for young people affected by stress related to COVID-19.
- The World Health Organization has an online illustrated stress management guide for coping with adversity.
- Calm have put together a page of free meditation tools and resources.
- Medibank is hosting daily live meditation sessions.
- Yoga with Adrienne is a popular yoga channel on YouTube.
- Smiling Mind is a free app put together by psychologists and educators offering meditation for all ages (download app from the Apple store or Google Play).
Information and training resources
- The World Health Organisation (WHO) has produced a factsheet and infographic on what you need to know about alcohol and COVID-19.
- The Australian Government Department of Health Coronavirus (COVID-19) health alert page provides up to date information about the current situation. Also available is a brief module on COVID-19 infection control training is also available for workers across all health care settings.
- NCETA’s online training resource Ice: Training for Frontline Workers is for anyone wanting to enhance their crystal methamphetamine skills and knowledge in a range of sectors, including health and welfare, education, criminal justice, and transport.
- NCETA’s online Clinical Supervision Kit provides practical information to assist supervisors, workers and organisations to implement and maintain clinical supervision. It also contains a practical training video.
- Turning Point has developed COVID-19 resources to help clinicians support their clients and themselves safely.
- The Australian Drug Foundation has a range of helpful information and links on its coping with coronavirus (COVID-19) webpage.
- Fare has information about alcohol use and COVID-19 and has released a report on alcohol marketing during the pandemic.
- Evidence-based information, training and resources to assist with the management of co-occurring AOD and mental health conditions is online at co-morbidity guidelines
- ACON has published an online clearing house linking people of diverse sexualities and genders to information and support relating to COVID-19.
- The National LGBTI Health Alliance has links to resources for LGBTI organisations working to support people through COVID-19.
- Insight and Queensland ADIS have produced COVID-19-related harm reduction advice for people using alcohol and other drugs.
- The Conversation shares news and views about COVID-19, sourced from the academic and research community, including recent articles on drinking during lockdown, drug use and coronavirus risk, and managing stress without alcohol.
Support, counselling and treatment resources
- The National Alcohol and Other Drug Hotline connects callers to local state or territory Alcohol and Drug Information Services.
- Counselling Online offers free and confidential drug and alcohol counselling 24/7.
- Family Drug Support offers support to families dealing with alcohol and other drug issues.
- SMART Recovery Australia offers online SMART meetings, guided by trained facilitators and catering to all forms of addiction. SMART facilitator training is also available online and on demand.
- Hello Sunday Morning Daybreak is an online alcohol support program for people looking to change their relationship with alcohol.
- Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA) 12-step abstinence self-support groups offer online meetings.
- Breaking the Ice is an online intervention program for users of crystal methamphetamine (ice) developed by NDRI and NDARC researchers.
- Cracks in the Ice offers evidence based information for the community about crystal methamphetamine (ice).
- Positive Choices is an online portal for parents, teachers and students to access accurate, up-to-date drug education resources and prevention programs.
- MindSpot is a free online mental health service for Australian adults experiencing difficulties with anxiety, stress, depression and low mood, providing assessment and treatment.
- Mental Health Online provides free, comprehensive online services and programs for Australian adults experiencing mental distress.
- Eheadspace provides free online support and counselling to young people 12 - 25 and their families and friends.
- This Way Up provides online programs for anxiety, depressive disorders and physical health and offers tools for coping with the current pandemic.