NDARC staff awarded prestigious SMHR Awards
Congratulations to Dr Nicola Newton, Dr Christina Marel and Dr Lexine Stapinski from the NHMRC Centre of Research Excellence in Mental Health and Substance Use (CREMS), based at NDARC, who have been have been awarded prestigious Early Career Researcher Awards from the Society of Mental Health Research.
Nicola Newton, as Director of Prevention at CREMS will use the fellowship to develop new and innovative prevention interventions, evaluating the first integrated online approach for students and their parents to prevent substance use and mental health problems in adolescents.
Christina Marel is leading research to improve clinical pathways for people with heroin dependence. Using Australian data collected over 11 years, the project aims to improve our understanding of the challenging journeys people make through heroin dependence. Specifically, it will provide unique insights into how clinical services might improve the timing and targeting of interventions to help people change these pathways.
Lexine Stapinski is leading innovative research aimed at interrupting the cycle of anxiety and drinking in young adulthood. She will explore how anxiety and alcohol use problems develop and interact, and how we can intervene with young people to reduce their impact and prevent escalation.