June 2019

Early bird registration is now open for the 2019 NDARC Annual Research Symposium: Responding to clinical, community and family needs.

June 2019

Registration is now open for free NDARC seminars in June.

June 2019

The inaugural symposium of the world first research program, ASCEND was held at UNSW Sydney in May.

June 2019

A landmark study of mental health and substance use among more than 90,000 people across 25 countries has found that an individual’s risk of commencing drug and alcohol use increases in line with the extent of substance use among people born in the same year.

June 2019

NDARC’s Director, Professor Michael Farrell was the opening witness on the first day of public hearings for the NSW Special Commission of Inquiry into the Drug “Ice”.

June 2019

The Australasian Professional Society on Alcohol and other Drugs (APSAD) wrote to all federal MPs and senators in the lead up to the May general election calling for them to support increased investment in treatment services.

June 2019

NDRI’s Julia Butt has written a review on kava use and supply issues for the Australian Indigenous Alcohol and Other Drugs Knowledge Centre.

June 2019

NDRI’s Mandy Wilson recently travelled to the US to participate in an international symposium on the rights of incarcerated women.

June 2019

In May 2019, NCETA’s Dr Valerie O’Keeffe presented at the Safety Institute of Australia’s Annual Health and Safety Convention.

June 2019

NCETA recently conducted a highly successful one-day workshop for social workers on IPV and AOD.
