Scoping review of measures of ATOD-related presenteeism

September 2023

NCETA research team: Mr Nicholas Rich, Dr Kirrilly Thompson, Dr Sonia Hines, Dr Alice McEntee, Professor Jacqueline Bowden

Project description: 

ATOD use can have a range of adverse effects on workers and the workplace more broadly. This includes absenteeism - where workers take leave due to illness/unwellness, and presenteeism - where workers continue to work despite being impacted by their illness/unwellness. Absenteeism and presenteeism both cost workplaces financially, impact organisational culture and increase pressure on other workers. At the same time, measuring ATOD-related absenteeism and presenteeism can provide employees with feedback on the adverse impact of their ATOD use which can be used to promote behaviour change.[1] The literature on understanding and measuring ATOD-related presenteeism has been largely overshadowed by absenteeism. To that end, NCETA is conducting a scoping review of instruments that have been used to measure presenteeism in the workplace due to alcohol, tobacco and illicit drug use. The review will map different kinds of measures according to (but not restricted to): form of delivery, method of calculation, country, type of employment (sector and role) and type of substance. Findings will be used to inform data collection processes for researchers and employers.

This project involves third-year Flinders University Bachelor of Public Health placement student Nicholas Rich. It will support the refinement of his critical review skills and provide experience working on a team-based ATOD research project that benefits worker health and performance.


[1] McEntee, A., Pointer, S., Pincombe, A., Nicholas, R. and Bowden, J. (2022). Alcohol and other drug use: A focus on employed Australians: Part 1: Prevalence and consequences. Adelaide, South Australia: National Centre for Education and Training on Addiction (NCETA), Flinders Health and Medical Research Institute (FHMRI), Flinders University. ISBN: 978-1-876897-71-0.