FASD Teacher and Educational Setting Resources


Professor Steve Allsop

Other Collaborators: 

Dr Louise Mewton, Emma Devine, Dr Lexine Stapinski, Professor Elizabeth Elliott, Julia Riches, Kate Ross, Dr Lauren Rice, Professor Maree Teesson (University of Sydney) and Sue Thomas (Marninwarntikura Women’s Resource Centre)

Project description: 

This project aims to provide up-to-date resources to educators by expanding the Learning with FASD portal, a website dedicated to the provision of evidence-based resources to help educators understand and support children with FASD in Australian primary schools, including by developing a suite of resources targeting secondary school educators.

Funded by the Department of Health and Aged Care, specifically this project will: 

  • Maintain and update existing and develop new primary school resources, available on the website
  • Review current international and national FASD resources available within the education sector to educate staff and mentor students with FASD
  • Develop and/or modify evidence-based information and training resources to assist the education workforce to:
    • Understand the impact of FASD on classroom behaviour and learning
    • Identify students with potential FASD indicators and facilitate appropriate referral for diagnosis and support, and
    • Improve capacity of teachers and support staff to adopt a strengths-based approach to encourage greater participation and work effectively with children with FASD and their parents/carers.
  • Promote, disseminate and evaluate resources nationally to support staff and students with FASD.

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