August 2018

NCETA was invited by Business SA to participate in the launch, on Friday 27 July, 2018, of their Ice at Work white paper dealing with methamphetamine and other drug use in the workplace.

August 2018

Register for NDRI’s 2018 Annual Symposium, this year taking place in Melbourne on Thursday 22 November.

August 2018

The winner of the National Competition for Excellence in Hepatitis C Health Promotion was announced by CSRH and NDRI on World Hepatitis Day 2018.

August 2018

NDRI researchers have recently presented two free webinars that are now available online.

August 2018

NDRI is leading a clinical trial to establish whether a new medication can help people reduce their ice use.

August 2018

This study is part of the POINT (Pain and Opioids in Treatment) study being conducted by the National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre at UNSW Sydney.

August 2018

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students from Western Sydney and Tasmania will have their stories included in a culturally inclusive school-based drug and alcohol prevention program.

August 2018

Results of a four-year study of over 1,500 Australians prescribed opioids for chronic non-cancer pain, suggest there is a need for caution in the use of medicinal cannabis for chronic pain.

August 2018

Registration for the 2018 NDARC Annual Research Symposium is now open. This year’s theme is clinical, community and policy responses to emerging problems in drug and alcohol use.

August 2018

Adolescents who drink weekly before age 17 are two to three times more likely to binge drink, drink drive, and be dependent on alcohol in adulthood compared with peers who don’t drink.
