March 2021

Scientia Professor Louisa Degenhardt

Professor Michael Farrell

Dr Amy Peacock

Ms Marianne Byrne

Ms Samantha Colledge

Other Collaborators: 

Professor Jason Grebely, The Kirby Institute, UNSW Sydney

Anna Conway, The Kirby Institute, UNSW Sydney

Jodi Van Dyk, The Kirby Institute, UNSW Sydney

Fredrick Altice, Yale University

Denise Esserman, Yale University

Tom Hassett, Yale University

Project description: 

The PREFER study aims to evaluate patient preferences for opioid agonist treatment (OAT) in Australia among people who regularly use opioids. The study also seeks to understand factors associated with preferences for different types of opioid agonist treatment.

There is increasing emphasis on patient preference and choice in healthcare, however many trials that have examined the effect of preference have had inconclusive findings regarding clinical outcomes, which can be partially explained by study eligibility, treatment comparisons, or study design. Further, the increasing number of OAT options means the choice of which to initiate is a preference-sensitive decision. Innovative study design is needed, which supports informed decision making but separates preference effects from direct treatment effects on outcomes. PREFER is a cross-sectional cohort study of people who regularly use opioids.

You can read more about this project here.