Informing the AOD workforce development priorities of the Brisbane South Primary Health Network (PHN)

August 2019

Professor Ann Roche
Mr Allan Trifonoff
Dr Jane Fischer

Other Collaborators: 

Ms Amanda Edwardson, Brisbane South Primary Health Network

Project description: 

Building on its successful collaborations with Primary Health Networks (PHN) in South Australia, Northern Territory and Central Queensland, NCETA has been commissioned by the Brisbane South PHN to complete an analysis of local (i.e. specific to the Brisbane South PHN catchment areas) AOD workforce development (WFD) initiatives.

In undertaking this analysis, NCETA will:

  1. Examine recommendations from previous assessments / evaluations including the Brisbane South AOD Collaborative’s Workforce Capacity Improvement Summary Report; and the workforce development components of the PHN’s 2018 AOD and Mental Health Needs Assessment
  2. Identify and document the AOD courses currently being delivered by universities and TAFE colleges (and other Registered Training Organisations) in the Brisbane South catchment area
  3. Consult and engage with stakeholders in the Brisbane South PHN region to understand current workforce gaps and opportunities. Stakeholders who will be consulted include government and non-government AOD agencies and higher education providers (e.g. universities and TAFE colleges providing AOD courses). The consultations will be used to identify:
    1. The current profile of the workforce
    2. Existing workforce gaps
    3. WFD priorities for the AOD sector in the Brisbane South PHN
    4. Issues impacting AOD service provision in the Brisbane South PHN
    5. Specific population and priority groups’ needs
  4. Focus on AOD workforce capacity and capability development including lived experience workforce development.

The findings from NCETA’s study will be used to inform future AOD workforce planning in the Brisbane South PHN catchment area with an emphasis on strategies to build a ‘new wave’ of workers into the AOD sector whilst supporting and sustaining the existing AOD workforce.