Online now: New resources from Drug Trends

April 2019

The Drug Trends program at NDARC triangulates data from various sources to identify emerging problems in substance use in Australia.

A number of new Drug Trends resources are available now.

Drug Trends Bulletins:

Shifting trends in the Perth ecstasy market: Harm reduction implications

This bulletin examines trends in the Perth ecstasy market (e.g. price, purity and availability), alongside trends in patterns of use (amounts being used, frequency of use) and reports of non-fatal ‘overdoses’ attributed to ‘ecstasy’ among a sample who regularly use ecstasy and other illicit stimulants. Read more.

Methamphetamine use, forms and routes of administration among people who regularly consume drugs in Adelaide, South Australia

This bulletin reports on use of methamphetamine, with a specific focus on crystal methamphetamine and route of administration, amongst two samples of people from Adelaide, South Australia, who regularly consume drugs. Read more.

Use of alcohol swabs to clean injecting sites among people who regularly inject drugs in Australia

This bulletin reports on the percentage of people who inject drugs nationally who reported swabbing at last injection, and among those who didn’t use a swab, the reasons behind this. Read more.

Drug Trends Presentations:

  • Amyl nitrite: Findings on use and harms from Drug Trends. View online.
  • What do we know about synthetic cannabinoids? View online.
  • Key findings from the 2018 Western Australia Illicit Drug Reporting System. View online.
  • Key findings from the 2018 Western Australia Ecstasy and Related Drugs Reporting System. View online.
  • Queensland Drug Trends: Presentation of findings from the Illicit Drug Reporting System and Ecstasy and Related Drugs Reporting System Interviews. View online.

For more information about Drug Trends, including the Illicit Drug Reporting System (IDRS) and Ecstasy and Related Drugs Reporting System (EDRS), please visit the NDARC website.